Thursday, March 13, 2014

Just ....

...Because I can.

There are really very few things we can do in this life, just because.
I most often feel like life hands me an overfilled, crumpled brown bag of cannots.
The big bag.

I cannot spend the Kroger money at Pottery Barn. Or Nordys.
I  cannot have that cute two seater sports car. (You know, the white one.)
I cannot seem to lose that extra 7 pounds.
I cannot not walk my pups.

I can eat dessert first, (probably why those 7 pounds keep hanging on.)
I can buy the blooms at Trader Joes.
I can talk by family into take-out once in a while.
I can enjoy the looooooooooong walk with the pups and discover a new trail with a new vista.

So, today in the spirit of "I can", I deleted all of  the past posts from this blog and am ready to start fresh.

I love fresh starts.
New pages.
Clean and crisp.
New finds.
New hearts.
New traditions.

Lots of new and fresh are in my little world right now. Lots more on the horizon.

New paint. (always.)
New friends. (again, always.)
New finds.
New adventures.
New ideas.

I needed a bit of new right now. New time (not a fan). New season (love spring!). New possibilities.
Just because.
 eye candy: from pb teen,just because i love this clock